Sunday, April 27, 2008

Weston & Kennedi

This is Weston & Kennedi. Kennedi came in to have her 6 month pictures taken and she brought her big brother with her. We were able to get some great pictures of them both.
Can't wait to see them again for family pictures later this summer.

Kennedi Weston

Thursday, April 17, 2008

"Singing in the Rain"

It's raining here today, so I thought this would be a perfect picture to share. This was so much fun... I hope I have the opportunity to take more rain pictures.

Keep checking for new posts.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Maser Kids

This family came all the way from Western Nebraska just to have me take their pictures.... Okay, they also came to visit their Aunt Sophia. These are my two nieces, Grace & Ella and my nephew, Luke. This was Luke's 2nd Birthday pictures. He wasn't so sure about having his picture taken but we were still able to get some cute ones. The girls love having their picture taken... so they were fun too! You'll be seeing more of them in the future as well.




I'll be posting some outdoor pictures soon... that may give everyone some spring fever and also get you thinking about outdoor sessions.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, April 3, 2008


This is Addison

This extra special little lady is my niece! We had lots of fun taking pictures of her for her birth announcement and got way more then we needed... Bonus! Of course I couldn't decide on just a couple to share, so I hope you enjoy seeing a little variety.

You'll be seeing more of Addison and her big sister Alexis in the future.


Look at those "little piggies"
I'll be working on updating my blog about once a week (I hope) :)
So please check back again soon for more of my work
(and super cute clients).
Start thinking about scheduling a spring session. The weather will surely get nicer one of these days and outdoor pictures are lots of fun.
Thanks so much.